all postcodes in YO8 / SELBY

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Postcode Area

YO / York

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
YO8 4AA 7 53.783037 -1.063937
YO8 4AD 0 53.781759 -1.071913
YO8 4AE 0 53.78182 -1.072777
YO8 4AH 2 53.782282 -1.073358
YO8 4AJ 1 53.782695 -1.073213
YO8 4AL 18 53.781788 -1.074422
YO8 4AN 1 53.78163 -1.073889
YO8 4AP 0 53.781023 -1.074388
YO8 4AR 7 53.78106 -1.075515
YO8 4AS 0 53.782134 -1.075092
YO8 4AT 7 53.77976 -1.075999
YO8 4AU 8 53.780291 -1.073757
YO8 4AW 0 53.781191 -1.073989
YO8 4AX 0 53.780947 -1.072659
YO8 4AY 0 53.781068 -1.076739
YO8 4AZ 1 53.780046 -1.078234
YO8 4BA 1 53.780687 -1.073894
YO8 4BD 0 53.785353 -1.076341
YO8 4BE 0 53.783173 -1.072322
YO8 4BG 9 53.787394 -1.074141